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High CPU load after update to UTM 9.700-5

Since the up2date 9.700-5 update, CPU on our master SG210 is running >94%.

Top is showing this: 

Cpu(s): 41.7%us, 47.9%sy,  0.0%ni,  5.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  5.3%si,  0.0%st

HA lgo says:

2020:01:07-16:57:51 repctl[10837]: [c] standby_clone(936): 'module' => 'postgres-default'
2020:01:07-16:57:51 repctl[10837]: [c] standby_clone(936): };
2020:01:07-16:57:51 repctl[10837]: [c] standby_clone(936): (Attempt #:10)
2020:01:07-16:58:01 repctl[10837]: [w] master_connection(2015): check_dbh: -1
2020:01:07-16:58:03 repctl[10837]: [i] stop_backup_mode(765): stopped backup mode at 00000001000010B0000000DD
2020:01:07-16:58:03 repctl[10837]: [c] standby_clone(950): standby_clone failed: sync aborted (never executed successfully)
2020:01:07-16:58:03 repctl[10837]: [e] prepare_secondary(346): prepare_secondary: clone failed
2020:01:07-16:58:03 repctl[10837]: [c] prepare_secondary(360): failed to get database up, waiting for retry
2020:01:07-16:58:03 repctl[10837]: [c] setup_replication(274): setup_replication was not properly executed
2020:01:07-16:58:03 repctl[10837]: [i] setup_replication(278): checkinterval 300

Any remediation suggestions?



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  • FormerMember
    0 FormerMember in reply to KoenDooms

    Hi KoenDooms,

    I would suggest you to open ticket with support team and PM me the case number. 


  • We have some hints about rebuilding postgres database within the forum.
    But you lost a lot of reporting data and possible mails, because postgres includes mail-data too ... i think.
    You should work with sophos support (or your partner) to solve this problem.
    With rebuilding the database by yourself you may lose your support.

    Please post a hint if you need more help.



    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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