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Internet pass-through from DMZ to external Wireless Router



First off, I've found this forum an extremely useful resource and mostly managed to find the info I need by searching, alas I can't seem to find the answer to the following.


I use an SG115 with the Sophos UTM home license, along with an AP55c AP.  So far I've been fine with the 50 IP limit.  Now, with all my smart plugs etc I'm starting to regularly skirt the 55 IP limit.


I'd like to move all my IoT devices onto a segregated network so that they don't count against the IP limit.  They only need internet access and obviously no access back into the internal network, or each other.  I have a Mikrotik wireless router lying around unused so I'd like to use that for this purpose.


My theory is that I can use the DMZ port on the SG to pass-through  the Internet connection to the miktrotik, where I can set the wireless rules.  I 'think' I need to do the following, can someone please tell me if I'm way off base here?  thanks in advance:


1- Create the DMZ Interface on the UTM, Eth2 (DMZ) and give it an IP e.g.

2- Create a Masq rule as follows - Network - Any, Interface DMZ

3 - Firewall Rule - Source - Any, Services - Web Surfing, Destinations - DMZ, ALLOW


Then on the Microtik side, the Router IP is, set WAN address to

will this work?


Thanks in advance



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