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Few successful pattern requests and even fewer pattern updates installed but zero request failures

Am on 9.509-3 and my weekly report this morning indicated that my UTM had made a whopping 15 successful requests and had only 7 pattern updates installed over the past week...  That doesn't seem right.  My previous weekly reports had 619/174, 648/159, 632/165 and so on.

Since there's no indication of failures I'm here with a question.  ATM I am on pattern version 143222.  Should I see myself stuck on this pattern version can someone confirm that the current best way to correct this is to execute (from the console or SSH) either:

rpm -e u2d-auav -nodeps rpm -e u2d-clam -nodeps
then auisys.plx -nosys


Go to "/var/up2date/aptp" and if there is a file in there called "u2d-aptp-9.****.tgz.gpg" then delete it.  Do the same IF there is a "/var/up2date/aptp-install" directory.
then auisys.plx -nosys

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