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With the XG17 out and in full swing what does UTM9.x provides that XG17 doesn't?

I know it's a religion of Astaro which I was a part of for many years but now I have actually jumped on the XG17 bandwagon (although I have a full spare HD with UTM 9.5 in storage ready to be plugged in on moment's notice.) 


Thus, I was wondering what are the pro's and cons of running one vs the other, what does one introduce while the other takes away and vice versa. 


Most of all what are the capabilities of 9.5 that prevents one from switching to xg17.


If it's a GUI then that's not enough, I have gone from Untangle 7 to Astaro to UTM 9 to now XG I can deal with GUI. 



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  • I could write 100s of lines too.  My 2 cents is XG is a beta product that should have not been release yet.

    Billions of bugs.

    Horribly un-intuitive.  Complicated.


    WEB proxy / Site categorization fails all the time. Intel, Microsoft, Google, anyone else updates fails to download.  So much for security.

    VPN gate. If yours works, you're lucky.

    Cannot transparent proxy.

    Paul Jr Robitaille