SG105 failure due to http-proxy resource usage

We‘re seeing multiple customers with smaller appliances like SG105 having issues with WebProxy enabled and Ressource usage.

Starting a few weeks ago we‘re seeing those appliances going offline, becoming unresponsive and more - taking down those networks.

SUM show‘s high resource-usage of http-proxy. But there are mostly around 1-3 clients that idle behind SG. Had be no problem to handle on smaller appliances in the past.

Anyone noticed grown resource usage as well?

  • I've compared yearly hardware-usage graph on 4 SG105 appliances (different customers and usage profiles).
    Swap usage average and peaks increased since beginning of this year at all four of them:

    Looks like some (pattern-)updates(?) causes SG105-appliances no longer being able to make use of WebProtection module at all...

    Disabling WebProtection completely (from url filtering only) will immediately drop hardware usage (as expected):

    On slightly greater appliances like SG115 you can see swap increase as well around the same time, but here it's not killing the hardware: