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Do you have a defence against VPN applications with Sophos UTM?

Since Sophos support couldn't help me with this case I decided to ask the community what is their solution. If I am missing something please let me know so I can correct my UTM accordingly.


Here are the details of the test, please compare with your own system and check if you are able to prevent a user/s who using a VPN application going restricted websites and other stuff.

  1. SSL Inspection operational on UTM- You have installed the certificate on the client machine (actually doesn't matter at all)
  2. Client installs a VPN app such as XVPN (do not turn on XVPN yet!)
  3. Try to access a restricted website and ensure you are blocked!
  4. Turn on XVPN and try to access the restricted website again to see the result


Our findings are;

  • We absolutely have no control on a traffic if VPN applications in use by any client (with SSL certificate or without)
  • Clients even able to bypass the UTM with Chrome extensions (we removed extensions via GPO on domain joined workstations eventually as a workaround)

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