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Antivirus Scanning Interfering with Pandora.

Sophos UTM9 running Firmware version:  9.702-1.  Issue:  Pandora streaming frequently skips or stops playing on Android devices while connected to LAN.

Detail: I've never seen this before. Behind the Sophos UTM, tablets and smartphones running the last two versions of Android will skip/jump through Pandora songs or not play altogether. Moving any of the devices to another network allows them to function normally.   Testing has revealed that it's the Sophos UTM Antivirus scanning.  With antivirus scanning OFF, Pandora streams as normal.  With antivirus scanning ON, Pandora skips songs, jumps and often fails to stream.  Antivirus scanning set to Single scan (max performance)

After the issue was determined to be the AV. Pandora was put in the Filtering Options Exception list. Skipping "Antivirus / Sandstorm" for  This allows streaming with AV ON and alleviates ~70% of the skipping/jumping -> But Does Not Solve The Issue Completely.

Solution Desired:  Please assist me with leaving Antivirus ON for security but writing better Exception Rule(s) to allow Pandora to stream unimpeded. 

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