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Sophos UTM Routing between 2 networks



I have in my esx demo lab the following settings:

DPortGroupDemo (


DPortGroupFreren (


DPortGroupFreren has

an AD Server with DHCP/DNS role with IP That DNS Server forwards to (Fritz! Router). Gateway is,too.

One Networkcard from the Sophos UTM with the IP



Has an AD Server with DHCP/DNS role with IP DNS Forwarding to Gateway is set to, too.

One Networkcard from the Sophos UTM with the IP


I need the following.

Routing between both PortGroups must been granted. Except DHCP services. They must stick to their own Portgroups.

DNS must work from DPortGroupDemo -> DPortGroupFreren at least. Both sides would be ok.

Port 1688 must be forwarded from DPortGroupDemo -> DPortGroupFreren. //<<--- Do i just have to place a NAT roule for that?

I tried to add a Firewall Rule ANY - ANY - ANY and thought for test purposes i should be able to connect from the DPortGroupFreren to DPortGroupFreren with RDP. But ping doesnt get through. And RDP Session cant be established.

Here are my settings.


Maybe its easy to config for you.. i hope so at least... :) Any help is appreciated!

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