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UTM running as a VM, swapped out a NIC, now can't access webadmin

So, my VMware server shut down.  It wouldn't turn back on, but long story short, the multi-interface NIC I was using stopped working, forcing me to swap it out for another.

I had to reconfigure the VMs to utilize the new NIC.  The other two VMs have no issue, but my UTM VM does.  

I cant access webadmin.   The local address I used to manage the UTM through webadmin ended in .223, but now the console says to connect on the .202 address, which I have no clue how it got.  (VMware shows the UTM to have both the .223 and .202 addresses.) However, I can't connect to the .202 address using h***s://x.x.x.202:4444, i can't ping the address, nor can I access it using SSH (nor can I to the .223 address).

I'm at a complete loss as to what to do.

Is there any way to break the boot up sequence to fix the configuration?

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.

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  • nothing should be this complicated to get working.  i restarted httpd, and I got webadmin to load but not without issues.  i'm getting the backend problem when the page loads.  I refreshed.  i restarted httpd several times.  I also tried different browsers.


  • You have to run the commands I list above as root on the command line of the UTM, not in VMware.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hello Bob,

    I am running them on the UTM, not the VMWare box.

    Just to recap.  I was able to access the UTM by editing the way it booted.  So, while this is a virtual machine, I am not doing anything with VMware.  I am using VMware to access the console - interrupt the boot process the access the console using the method outline here:

    So, unless I'm not understanding what you're asking, none of the output here is from the ESXi box itself.  It's all from the SophosUTM virtual machine.

    Unless you have another method for me to access the SophosUTM VM, given that it will not recognize and use the ethernet interfaces, this is the only way I know how to do it.

  • Don't interrupt the boot process.  Wait until that's finished and then login on the console as root.  Or won't the boot process complete?

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA