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SSL RemoteAccess Static IP Question (i know of the feature request)

1) I voted, and still wish for: 

RemoteAccess: Static IP for SSL-VPN

2) I setup a SNAT and also a DNAT rule on my "LocationA" sophos utm FW (9.5.x) to translate my vpn user to a static IP. Logging initial packets, i see this works, though the FW Log at "LocationA" never shows my static IP, only the VPN Pool IP when i access devices behind the FW....which ties into....

LocationA has a Site2Site with LocationB. LocationB explictly for testing only allows my Static IP access to the webadmin (not my VPN Pool IP), and it fails. the livelog at LocationB also only shows my VPN Pool IP (and its subsequent denial) when attempting to access WebAdmin (i see this through a separate connection/machine to webadmin at locationB)

What'd i miss?

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