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Country blocking dropping unblocked countries.

I have country blocking enabled and find that I can't use some tools.

I have installed and running a v9.510-5.

When viewing the live log, I see some entries indicating a "Country blocked" for IP addresses which GEOLOCATE shows as being in the US, which is not blocked.

11:26:02 Country blocked TCP : 57769→ : 443 [SYN] len=60 ttl=63 tos=0x00 srcmac=a4:08:ea:28:6a:31 dstmac=34:97:f6:27:76:9f


All IP location tools I've tried indicate as "Mountain view, CA"

I have "United States" set to "OFF" in the firewall Country Blocking tab, so why is this IP being blocked?

I also tried adding an exception as shown below, but this did not work.  Am I doing it incorrectly?


Also, I tried adding an "exception" for this IP address, and this does not seem to work.  I added a "host" exception with the

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