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Backup Internet connection with a 4G Ethernet router

Hello fellow Sophos users,

Happy to have joined this community as this is my first ever post. I just need little guidance as i'm fairly new to Sophos:

I would like to add a secondary WAN connection (4G) as backup for specific servers that are remotely accessible. We currently have one single LAN with no other subnets or Vlans. I have at my disposal a Huawei 4G wireless router which has 1x Ethernet port (B5328 Model) and since i'm not really familiar enough with Sophos UTM, i would like to get some guidance on how to set this up. What i want to know is, the type of interface for the 4G Router which will be connected via Ethernet one one of the UTM ports and how to set it up as backup for only those specific servers that i mentioned earlier.

I don't know if i made it clear enough but i'd be happy to elaborate on any of these points if you have any questions.



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  • One of the unwritten rules here, Zak, is "one topic per thread" - that's to make it easier for future members to find an answer to a question that's already been answered without starting a new thread.  Using an appropriate title, please ask your second question in the VPN forum.  Also, please make clear in that question whether you want VPN user to connect to the 4g interface or to use that interface to  connect to the Internet.

    Cheers - Bob

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