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4G Router link is flapping



We ditch out our ADSL lines for cost cutting reason, we acquire a bunch of 4G routers, and we have this strange issues of links are coming up and down from the email notifications, automatic uplink monitoring is turned off and we point the monitoring host to google dns server, i check the service monitors and im always seeing this logs, kindly explain please what is the meaning of this;



2018:02:19-08:08:43 astaro service_monitor[22749]: id="4002" severity="info" sys="System" sub="loadbalancing" name="ICMPv4 out of sequence!"

2018:02:19-08:08:42 astaro service_monitor[22749]: id="4002" severity="info" sys="System" sub="loadbalancing" name="ICMPv4 out of sequence!"
2018:02:19-08:08:42 astaro service_monitor[22749]: id="4002" severity="info" sys="System" sub="loadbalancing" name="ICMPv4 out of sequence!"
2018:02:19-08:08:42 astaro service_monitor[22749]: id="4002" severity="info" sys="System" sub="loadbalancing" name="ICMPv4 out of sequence!"
2018:02:19-08:08:43 astaro service_monitor[22749]: id="4002" severity="info" sys="System" sub="loadbalancing" name="ICMPv4 out of sequence!"
2018:02:19-08:08:43 astaro service_monitor[22749]: id="4002" severity="info" sys="System" sub="loadbalancing" name="ICMPv4 out of sequence!"
2018:02:19-08:08:43 astaro service_monitor[22749]: id="4002" severity="info" sys="System" sub="loadbalancing" name="ICMPv4 out of sequence!"
2018:02:19-08:08:43 astaro service_monitor[22749]: id="4002" severity="info" sys="System" sub="loadbalancing" name="ICMPv4 out of sequence!"

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