Transparent dnat

Hi all and Happy New year!

Has the transparent dnat function been implemented on 17.5 release? This is actually the only feature which is preventing me to make the big jump from old SG platform.

To be clear, what I need is redirect all the outgoing DNS traffic to a specific host.

Tried to googleing around, but all the info I've found are related to 17.0, so wonder if the latest version made the trick.

Thanks in advance everyone

Parents Reply
  • Can you name such devices? This seems to be highly un-compliant to do such a behavior. And such devices would be rather in your isolated network instead of your company network. 

    Most of the time, in guest networks, i allow to perform such actions. 

    But if such IoT Devices are performing such stuff, i would not like to have them in the same broadcast domain. It is like some kind of "old" printer. Easy way to use them as a jumphost as a hacker. Check out the current 35C3 in Germany. 

    Just my 2 Cents about this topic. It does not resolve your issue / limitation. 

