Unable to access XG after internet being disconnected for awhile

This afternoon I decided to try out the UTM 9.6 beta on a spare box. Installed the UTM software but had to disconnect the XG because I only have one external network theses days.

When I finished testing the UTM, mainly the IPv6 functionality in conjunction with my NBN connection I reconnected the XG. Doom, no internet, worse no access to the XG, I could see the external interface lights flashing,also on the modem. Waited a few minutes an still no access to the XG, this is not good. Pulled the power plug to restart the XG.

Now online and working.


Parents Reply
  • Hi,

    I was able to replicate the issue. It is actually a very old issue and has been raised many times and not addressed by Sophos.

    The external interface does not performa DHCP renew when the link fails, now the link will show failed because of the wan link monitor, so nothing happens until an Admin logs in a edits without changing the WAN interface.

    The fix would be for the WAN interface to perform a DHCP renew every 1 to 5 minutes so that a new address is assigned and the WAN link manager is provided with a valid testing IP if the site is using the ISP assigned address as the test.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 EAP

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  • Hi,

    Thanks for the update.

    As per RFC, DHCP client automatically attempts to renew its lease as soon as 50 percent of the lease duration has expired and Product is also behaving according.
    WAN link monitor check only the gateway status based on configured condition, It does not perform the DHCP renewal on gateway down condition. Gateway down does not mean , IP lease is expired. DHCP client works independently than the WAN link monitor service.

    DHCP client renewal time configuration is on DHCP server side. You can configure it on server as per your requirement.



  • Hi Deepti

    If as you say the DHCP client attempted to renew its lease at 50% of the time then there wouldn't be an issue, but it doesn't and the ISP's server sees the connections an invalid. From previous complaints about this issue the XG never attempts to automatically renew a DHCP lease on the WAN interface. There is a bug in the renew process.



    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v21 EAP

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Hi,


    That should work with XG, please provide us appliance access to look into the detail.


