Love 17.5 but still got ips issues amd if seems. Y clients are scrapping xg now

I've used xg myself and I love it but since v 17.1mr3 the ips is crap 17.5 is better but still clients see ips errors like reset out of window. I trying to convince them it's superior but these issues are making my life hard.

Got a new client with xg but his wan int is red all thetime Im sure it's his wan setup but I think he's also going to ditch xg. 


Any ideas? This latest one had shapoint mapped from the old it company but I tried telling em that's nuts but if anyone can suggest anything so I can convince clients to stay with xg pls do



  • Hi John,

    If his WAN interface is always showing red, it could be the target set in the WAN link manager is not responding to ping. If you go to Interfaces > WAN Link Manager, edit the object there showing as red then at the bottom for the checking, set it to ping Google or Cloudflare (, this is my preferred as is more stable and less loaded).

    There are lots of reasons to keep your clients on the XG, it would be best you speak to your account manager or post in the general XG forum with the difficulties you're facing and asking for help to overcome.

    If a customer is wanting to ditch an XG over a misconfigured WAN link monitoring service then it looks like you need a better calibre of customer. All joking aside, it sounds like you have some issues which would be helpful if you could list and we can cover.


  • There building manager redid the wan cable and its now green and so much better.  Its just hard when u know how great xg is but biine else sees it


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