Heartbeat Auth waiting on Central Update? Using incorrect Domain config for Access Server

It looks like Heartbeat Auth is not ready yet and may be because Central is going to be updated, not sure?

What is happening is the client periodically delivers an auth to the XG but it fails and when you look at the access_server in debug you see the following:

ERROR Nov 02 11:41:58 [4136631104]: adsauth_handle_attrrequest: domain name 'testglobelinkuk' not found


I have seen this line before when auth is presented by RADIUS SSO or L2TP using AD backend and the logon is presented as "domain\username" and not "username@domain". Currently the access_server is incapable of properly working with "domain\username" and if used can cause unintended issues in the database with escape ASCII characters nor can I isolate any Jira fix for it.

Can this be confirmed we are expecting an update in how auth is being delivered by Central Heartbeat?


  • Hi,


    As far as i know, the current Endpoint does not work properly. He is only sending the domain (netbios) instead of the FQDN. So XG will decline the request of User ID. 

    You can get this working, if you change your authentication server (AD) to netbios only - but this will cause new user. 

    There is a new client in central in the pipeline to fix this. It is not related to XG17.5 - Basically V17.5 perform everything correctly. Is is an Central EP issue. 


  • Hi Lucar,

    That is as I suspected, as the XG is designed to use UPN type logon, when will the client be updated as I will expect that to be a priority because I will not change any existing configuration to Netbios logon due to user duplication. I would have expected either the access_server updated to properly handle both UPN and Netbios or the client to have been updated at the time of this Beta. This is an important feature as the Support case load due to STAS and NTLM issues is high and the Central Auth source will be quite valuable to offset these issues for Sync Sec Customers.


    To users:

    Please take note to any that use Netbios only authentication to keep an eye out for escape character user issues. This is where the user authentications with \b, \t etc usernames like "domain\timdoe" may appear in the user list as domaiimdoe and fail future authentications.

    To double check this is happening, log onto the CLI Advanced Shell and run the following commands to read if the there are users with ASCII escape characters in your database. This can prevent further importation of groups and other unexpected variables to occur:

    psql -U nobody corporate -c "select username from tbluser where username like '%\n%'"

    psql -U nobody corporate -c "select username from tbluser where username like '%\b%'"

    psql -U nobody corporate -c "select username from tbluser where username like '%\t%'"

    If you get any returns, you should delete those users or stop using Netbios only logon.

    The commands are provided as is and are not designed or intended to infer changes to your system the commands are run at the users own risk.


  • Hi Lucar,

    That is as I suspected, as the XG is designed to use UPN type logon, when will the client be updated as I will expect that to be a priority because I will not change any existing configuration to Netbios logon due to user duplication. I would have expected either the access_server updated to properly handle both UPN and Netbios or the client to have been updated at the time of this Beta. This is an important feature as the Support case load due to STAS and NTLM issues is high and the Central Auth source will be quite valuable to offset these issues for Sync Sec Customers.


    To users:

    Please take note to any that use Netbios only authentication to keep an eye out for escape character user issues. This is where the user authentications with \b, \t etc usernames like "domain\timdoe" may appear in the user list as domaiimdoe and fail future authentications.

    To double check this is happening, log onto the CLI Advanced Shell and run the following commands to read if the there are users with ASCII escape characters in your database. This can prevent further importation of groups and other unexpected variables to occur:

    psql -U nobody corporate -c "select username from tbluser where username like '%\n%'"

    psql -U nobody corporate -c "select username from tbluser where username like '%\b%'"

    psql -U nobody corporate -c "select username from tbluser where username like '%\t%'"

    If you get any returns, you should delete those users or stop using Netbios only logon.

    The commands are provided as is and are not designed or intended to infer changes to your system the commands are run at the users own risk.


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