Web filter override

I'm not sure if I'm missing something but the web override doesn't appear to work. I have a group I've imported from Active Directory which I've added as an Authorised Group under the Policy overrides; however it doesn't appear to work.

Access normally isn't authenticated so when a site is blocked i login using a member of this group but the site is still blocked



  • Hi kieran90,

    When you add a group to the 'Authorized users and groups' under web policy overrides, you are allowing members of that group to create access tokens (via the user portal), which can then be used to override policy blocks. 

    Therefore after you have added a group, a member of that group should now be able to create access token. Anyone who has that access token can then enter it on a blockpage to override policy blocks.  

  • Hi kieran90,

    When you add a group to the 'Authorized users and groups' under web policy overrides, you are allowing members of that group to create access tokens (via the user portal), which can then be used to override policy blocks. 

    Therefore after you have added a group, a member of that group should now be able to create access token. Anyone who has that access token can then enter it on a blockpage to override policy blocks.  

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