DHCP delete lease

Deleting a single IP lease is needed sometimes. The only way, to delete a DHCP lease, is to delete the DHCP server scope and then recreate it.

Can you provide a way to delete a single/multiple IP lease using checkbox?


[locked by: AlanT at 7:23 AM (GMT -7) on 14 Aug 2017]
[unlocked by: AlanT at 7:24 AM (GMT -7) on 14 Aug 2017]
  • We've looked into this, but decided not to implement it at this time. Since deleting a lease won't cause a client using that lease to give it up, this would be problematic without a lot of extra work. 

  • ....and what if we already understand that, but have the need to do it anyway?


    This is a pretty terrible answer. 

  • MassimilianoDal Cero said:
    Ok, this works ... but only if the host is not already plugged to the network and DHCP has not sent to it a IP Address.

    Thanks for the reply, but that scenario wouldn't be possible even if the IP hadn't been given out already. XG (and most other DHCP servers) won't let you assign a static mapping inside of an assigned DHCP scope. So if I set the dhcp range from x.x.x.10 to x.x.x.20, then try to assign x.x.x.19 as a static lease, it will stop me - regardless of whether a client has been given that IP or not. Adding an option to forget dynamic leases wouldn't allow this.

    Also, if x.x.x.15 was in use, and I wanted to statically assign it, I could split my DHCP scope into two - x.x.x.10 to x.x.x.14 and x.x.x.16 to x.x.x.20, removing x.x.x.15 from the dynamic IP assignment range, and I would be permitted then to statically assign it to a device. 

    If I assign x.x.x.21 to a device, then want to change the device associated with that static lease, I can remove it and add a new static lease for x.x.x.21, or just change the MAC associated with the existing lease, without any restriction. it will just work.

    The only problem scenario I can see, is if I assign a DHCP scope that is too small, and I run out of available addresses. In that case, my solution would be to either increase the pool size, or reduce the lease lifetime to allow clients to be forgotten faster, or possibly both. Perhaps at the time I discover the problem, it might be convenient to have a "forget" button, but as I can assign multiple ranges to the same lease, it should always be possible to address a problem. If the range is too small, just increase it. If the subnet is also too small, lower the lease time. Fixing it this way would be something of a one-time occurrence, for an issue that very few users ever run into, and once solved, should be unlikely to occur a second time. A forget button might momentarily solve a problem, but it would not stop it from happening again. I'm not against adding such a feature, but with proper priority. Right now, the requirement for this is very low, because of the reasons I've just stated, and it requires some effort to ensure it's safe to use in all cases. If there are more use cases that users are commonly running into, I'm not aware of them, and would like to know.

  • Alan:

    I agree with others - this feature is needed.

    For example, we implemented a RED appliance at a remote site - my laptop picks up the IP Config from that site, which has the default gateway as the IP of that Red Appliance.

    Now, back in the head office, it keeps assigning me the IP Address i received at the remote site, meaning i cannot access many of our servers (including the VM Host of all our test machines)

    With a "delete lease" button, this would be simple.

    Now, i have to wait until the lease is gone, or put in a static IP so I can work properly.


  • Hi Arie,

    I have the same issue, when I plug a device first to assign a static IP is impossible to release it after a unpredictable time (even if I set the lease to 1 minute, it is not respected)

    Is a not sens the need to split in multiple DHCP trunks to overcome this lack

    Is not always possible split DHCP definitions, and the absence of forcing "delete lease" feature is a very serious lack

    unfortunately I must adopt your same solution:
    "wait until the lease is gone, or put in a static IP so I can work properly."

  • Hi Arie, thanks for the feedback. 

    ARIE SOMMER said:
    Now, back in the head office, it keeps assigning me the IP Address i received at the remote site

    I think I'm missing something in the example you're giving. The use case you describe, isn't how XG operates today. If a device is issued a lease by one DHCP server on a firewall, then moved to another network on the same firewall, the firewall will automatically delete the first lease, and issue a new lease on the second network. There is no need to wait for the lease to expire. I rely on this behavior daily, but just did a test, moving a firewall repeatedly between dhcp scopes. With no changes or delays on the firewall, it promptly received a new IP on each connection, within seconds. The DHCP lifetimes were at defaults on both. In each move, the old lease was automatically deleted from the firewall, and a new one was added. 

    This behavior doesn't change with RED involved, except that a RED network can be bridged to a local network. If that were the case, then it would be correct for the firewall to issue the same IP in both cases, and any access problems would not be due to the IP you received. 

    Again, I'm not against adding this feature, and it is on the backlog - but it's so rarely necessary, that it's not been prioritized higher. I'm suspicious that there is some other reason (or reasons) the few of you wanting this feature are having any issues, and that adding this feature would not solve whatever issue is actually happening. 

  • Your maybe not know, that "delete" options exists in very large set of products :D (and this is "only" a "small business switch") :D

    the fact that sophos don't allow this option, is a very lack, and I read a lot of arrogance by sophos about this topic :(




    I resume:

    When I plug a computer it obtains an IP (follow screenshot)




    and when next I define a static IP in General Setting(follow screenshot)


    the computer not obtain IP statically defined and it is necessary to wait for an indefinite time, even if I set up 1 Minutes as Max Lease Time (follow screenshot)



    This feature is very trivial and I don't understand why you are so strongly unfavorable about this feature :(

     I don

  • Which brings this discussion right back to where it started. You are asking for the feature, I am saying yes, but later, unless I can understand why this might be a higher priority feature. I am not trying to argue why not to add such a feature. 

    MassimilianoDal Cero said:
    the computer not obtain IP statically defined and it is necessary to wait for an indefinite time, even if I set up 1 Minutes as Max Lease Time (follow screenshot)

    Once a DHCP lease is issued to a client, it will not check back with the firewall, until the lease time it first received, is up. Changing it to 1 minute on the firewall, will make no difference on the lease that the client already has. Even a delete button on the firewall will have no effect on the client. If you want to expire a lease faster, you must go to the client, and release, then renew the address manually. This can also usually be triggered, by disconnecting the ethernet cable for a few seconds, or disconnecting and reconnecting to the wireless network. A delete button will not solve problem you describe, and it won't even help.

  • > If you want to expire a lease faster, you must go to the client, and release, then renew the address manually.

    > This can also usually be triggered, by disconnecting the ethernet cable for a few seconds, or disconnecting and reconnecting to the wireless network

    I'm sorry to say, but is exactly what I done :)
    (more and more times)

    but when the DHCP (re)assign an IP, it assign ever the "old" IP :(
    (without consider the statically assigned address)


    I have found this behavior on multiple operating systems:

    Windows (7, 8.1 and 10), Linux (Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS), MacOS (10.12)

  • MassimilianoDal Cero said:
    but when the DHCP (re)assign an IP, it assign ever the "old" IP

    I can't replicate that behavior, and I have tested this recently, many times, on all common desktop OSes, mobile devices, and dozens of different IoT devices. In every single occurrence, when I set a static IP, or move the device to a new network, it gets the expected new IP on the very first release/renew or the first request after re-connection.  Please make sure you're running the latest firmware, and if you continue to see that behavior, there may be a bug peculiar to something in your setup. Please work with support on that. The expected behavior is exactly as I have described it, and anything other than that must be either a bug, or something unexpected, like a second DHCP server on the same LAN.  

  • Just only for clarity to avoid misunderstanding


    This happen only when I have not yet assigned a static IP to a device (computer, phone, ... etc) in DHCP config and the device is plugged on the local network.
    in this case DHCP assign a new IP and create an association MAC-IP for use this in the future (as it should be)


    Afterwards, going back to XG panel and add a new static assignment using the MAC address of network interface of device.


    So, there's nothing to do anymore: the device obtain the first IP and is need waiting a impredictable time for obtain the "static" IP set in the DHCP policy rule :(


    I tried to:

    - unplug and re-plug cable (multiple times)

    - flush local device DHCP (multiple times)

    - reboot XG appliance

    - I also tried to force reset DHCP lease on XG via ssh advanced shell:

    service dhcpd:stop -ds sync
    rm -f /tmp/dhcpd.leases*
    rm -f /tmp/dhcpd.leases.live
    service dhcpd:start -ds sync

    Note: that last solution worked on version 15, but not in 16


    In all cases:  nothing changes :(


    there are not others DHCP, the IP-MAC association is clearly visible on the XG panel

  • Actually to start AlanT you said no, because it is such a small feature and so difficult to implement.  No one should be surprised by your response though.  Sophos' arrogance and laziness in support, features, and customer service is unrivaled.  

    This is reflected in the fact that Sophos still does not support basic feature found in consumer device let alone UTMs and business development, i.e. band steering for APs (requiring customers to move to wireless cloud management for an additional fee just to get a basic feature is not an acceptable response), DHCP lease deletions, arbitrary character limits on guest wifi portal, 4g modem compatibility, etc.

    Everyone using Sophos today, especially paying customers, should seriously evaluate and start making the move to a different solution.  Switching to pfsense for free users is a no brainier, there are multiple guides out  there to get utm features with pfsense.  I'm using the remaining time in my XG sub to find a better solution to move to (sonicwall or fortinet both seem to be better non-budget busting options based on my testing so far). Just my two cents.

  • Actually to start AlanT you said no, because it is such a small feature and so difficult to implement.  No one should be surprised by your response though.  Sophos' arrogance and laziness in support, features, and customer service is unrivaled.  

    This is reflected in the fact that Sophos still does not support basic feature found in consumer device let alone UTMs and business development, i.e. band steering for APs (requiring customers to move to wireless cloud management for an additional fee just to get a basic feature is not an acceptable response), DHCP lease deletions, arbitrary character limits on guest wifi portal, 4g modem compatibility, etc.

    Everyone using Sophos today, especially paying customers, should seriously evaluate and start making the move to a different solution.  Switching to pfsense for free users is a no brainier, there are multiple guides out  there to get utm features with pfsense.  I'm using the remaining time in my XG sub to find a better solution to move to (sonicwall or fortinet both seem to be better non-budget busting options based on my testing so far). Just my two cents.

  • Srikant said:
    Just my two cents

    That's a fairly hostile two cents! I've worked to explore all reasons that have been given in this thread, to understand if this should be a higher priority. Laziness and arrogance would just ignore any conversation on the topic, not thoughtfully respond. We are actively working on many improvements to the product (four feature releases planned over the next ~year), and are simply prioritizing this one a little lower. 

    Your complaints about 4G support, are understood, and I sympathize with that complaint. This has been a challenge, and is why we have launched a new 4G module which we can always ensure compatibility with XG, and not be at the mercy of carriers who frequently change the components of models that they offer. 

    Arbitrary (a.k.a. too short) character limits on wifi descriptive names (not the ssid name) is also an annoyance for some, and naming and renaming restrictions have been a general complaint here in these forums. We are addressing all of this class of requests, as part of some significant improvements to our configuration management engine, in v18. 

    I can't speak to etc.. as there are certainly features we don't have in XG that you might want - but XG has been very successful, worldwide, with its current features. It doesn't try to be the firewall with the most features, but the easiest to use and manage, for the most needed features. You may prefer a competitor, nd perhaps in your case, that is the right choice. No product is perfect for everyone in all circumstances - but XG is succeeding in competition against competitors in sales opportunities, analyst reports (e.g. Gartner), and security reports (e.g. NSS Labs). You may prefer to look at a competitor, but that doesn't make it the right choice for everyone. It's also in rather poor taste to promote competitors in a vendors forums. Doing that in most vendors forums gets your post deleted at a minimum, rather than a response.