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Need evolution on Static Route / SDWAN : objets Gateway, network, host


With SophoSG, it was possible to use objects (host, subnet, etc.) in static routes.

In XGS, this is no longer possible.

SDWAN routes and gateways should solve this problem. But this is not possible for 2 reasons:

  • Case 07078419: if you create an SDWAN route to a supercope (e.g., it overwrites directly connected networks. So you have to use a simple static route.
  • Case 04648590 : If you route via SDWAN, IPSpoofing blocks traffic from unknown networks. Static routes are therefore required.
    • SD-WAN configurations are not routes, are just like firewall rules, so that they support objects and services.
    • Routes are instead restricted to the networks and this information is used by Spoof Protection as well: if the route is configured to interface Port1 and the packet arrives on Port1 it's fine, otherwise it will be blocked.
    • I understand that the learning curve could be different on XG, but the support of objects in the static route configuration has to be considered as a feature request.
    • You can instead consider the routes as a lower layer and the SD_WAN policy as an upprer layer in case you have multiple routes to the same destination (for routing decision based on preference).
    • You can also use SD_WAN without any route, but in this case Spoof protection checks are not satisfied.

It would be preferable to be able to use either :

  • Solution A : SDWAN routes instead of static routes (to take advantage of objects (gateway and network, host,...) )
  • Solution B : Objects (gateway and network, host, etc.) in static routes.

Nice to have your feedback on this subject.


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  • I dont understand your point in Case 1. 

    So:  Sophos Firewall: Routing in Sophos Firewall with SD-WAN PBR 

    Which means: SD-WAN Routing is doing routing for matching traffic. If you decide to use "matching traffic" it will overwrite everything, even something, which is directly connected. 

    So if you have a Rule, which includes "ANY" it can happen. 


  • Hello Toni

    in the first case (you talk about Case 07078419 not ?) :

    I have port8 on my XGS with multiples VLAN.

    All VLAN are little subnet, exemple :

    • Native on XGS port8 :
    • VLAN 5 : port8.5 :
    • VLAN 6 : port8.6 :
    • VLAN 7 : port8.7 :
    • etc

    This port is connect to a global network through the router. So I want to do a SDWAN route to network with gateway (exemple) on port8.

    But when I have this SDWAN rule activate, TCPDUMP show traffic to VLAN subnet not delivered on vlan interface (exemple port8.5 for but delivered on port8 (native subnet

    Sorry my english is not so good. But Kenny France Sophos Support team can explain clearly.

    When I add a static route to it is working well.

    But it should be very better to use SDWAN with objet and gateway status icons.