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DNS with IPv6 PD

How would one auto configure DNS when using the new PD?

Currently my clients on the downstream interface receive prefix information from the RA server, but no DNS servers.

Is this a limitation of the current PD implementation? And if so, will DHCPv6 become supported on downstream interfaces?

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  • To auto-configure DNS with IPv6 Prefix Delegation (PD), consider using DHCPv6, as PD primarily deals with prefixes, not DNS. The absence of DNS server information might be a limitation of your current setup. Check your router or software documentation for DHCPv6 support on downstream interfaces or consult their support resources for solutions.

  • To auto-configure DNS with IPv6 Prefix Delegation (PD), consider using DHCPv6, as PD primarily deals with prefixes, not DNS. The absence of DNS server information might be a limitation of your current setup. Check your router or software documentation for DHCPv6 support on downstream interfaces or consult their support resources for solutions.
