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Sophos Firewall: v20.0 EAP1: Feedback and experiences

Top Replies

  • Eliminate False Missing Heartbeats – Devices that are in sleep or hibernate mode will no longer generate a
    missing heartbeat reducing false alerts and notifications

    Sounds good. Is it just disabled or max. delayed or ist it really "fixed" it think this would have been an endpoint issue?

    also great, that really made it into v20:  Firewall v20 introduces a new hardened and highly secure, containerized self-service VPN portal.

    I'm strongly interested to see a screenshot of that feature:
    Object Reference Lookup – You can now see the usage count of all host and service objects as well as a full
    list of all locations where that object is referenced such as in rules, policies, routing, etc. You can also directly
    edit or remove objects for many entities without switching context from the hosts and services list.

  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

  • Thank you!

    nice. and also with a link to the reference! I think it is the same for rule references?

  • __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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