BUG: naming of interfaces does not shown in pulldown object search box

Naming of interfaces is a very usefull feature, that i love from the UTM (SG) side. On a few customers we have 200-400 interfaces (VLANs on every location and a lot of RED locations).

So its very usefull to know, what interface is the correct one for the location. 

But on the search dialogs, you see no nameing that you define on the interfaces itself and you can not search for it. 

For example:
VLAN 10 (1010Meisel-Internal)
VLAN 20 (1010Meisel-Guest)
VLAN 30 (1010Meisel-Kassa)
VLAN 40 (1010Meisel-KNX)
VLAN 50 (1010Meisel-Kamera)

and this for 60 locations, thats not very nice to search everytime for the vlan number, its better to be able to search for the names too in the pulldown dialogs for choice the objects.