Clicking Cancel on a WAF rule freezes screen and need refresh

What feature is impacted? Firewall - WAF Rule

What is the severity of the issue? (High, medium, low, minimal) - Minimal

Summary of the issues: When you edit a WAF rule in the Firewall and then attempt to cancel out the changes but then change your mind and cancel the confirmation to go back to the rule you screen blank in the background stays in place and you can't perform any actions until you refresh the screen.

Observed behavior (What it did or didn’t do): GUI unusable until screen refreshed

Desired behavior (How is it expected to or should behave): Cancelling out of the confirmation should return you to the firewall rule for editing without issue

How do we reproduce it (Provide instructions to help us reproduce the behavior):

  1. Create a WAF rule (any config)
  2. from the Firewall rules list, enter the WAF rule
  3. No changes needed, click cancel
  4. On the confirmation that appears, cancel out of it to return to the rule
  5. Confirmation disappears but the screen blankout remains

Other (Any other detail that we need to know about): None

Supporting logs, pcaps, etc.: Nothing observed in the Tomcat/Garner logs of note.

Caught by accident while mucking about with something else.
