Slow Throughput after installing v18 EAP


I upgraded from v17.5.8 to v18 EAP about a week ago and noticed a drop in performance and an increased RAM usage.

I do have a XG115 rev2 Appliance installed with the Software  Image and a Home Use License.

My Internet connection is 100/40.

With version 17.5.8 I was able to reach about 80 to 90 Mbit download (I already expected more from the hardware)

After the Upgrade I only reach about 50 to 60 Mbit download. There is no DPI or webfiltering activated and it doesn't matter if i activate IPS or not.

SSL/TLS Inspection is turned on but there are not any rules.

Are there any tweaking options for the software version of Sophos XG running on a HW Appliance?

Thank you!

  • same issue on SW appliance. speed is terrible. What I don't understand is how they find it acceptable for it to be so slow, even for testing. I have 400/20 internet and before turning everything off at best I am getting 60Mbps, turning everything off best I can do on a hardwired Gig network is 150 or so. I used to regularly get 400-450. this needs to be fixed quicly. If I go directly to my modem I get full speed so I know this issue is sophos. 

  • J F said:

    same issue on SW appliance. speed is terrible. What I don't understand is how they find it acceptable for it to be so slow, even for testing.


    What I don't understand is how people don't understand that they are **testing** an early **test-release** where it is expected to have issues. Also, who told you "they find it acceptable"? Cut them some slack maybe? These tests are done to find and fix issues like this. If you don't want to be affected by issues like these, don't run beta versions. Simple. 


    testing performance is part of the test that SW houses perform internally (stress and performance tests). If people find a performance issue, it is more than welcome to share their issue specially in beta time. Imagine that no one performs this test and in the GA, people starts to have performance issue on XG 650 or 750.

    I do not understand your comment. We are all here to improve the product and find errors.


  • My comment was about the complaining part. "What I don't understand is how they find it acceptable for it to be so slow". That's what I responded to. Of course these issues have to be found, reported on and get a fix. Expecting that issues like that don't exist ("how does Sophos find it acceptable to release something like that") is an utterly wrong expectation. 

  • The point is, even the Release post mentions: 

    • The firmware is continually being tuned for performance. Expect to see faster speeds in future builds.



    But i am not quite on the same page for the speed tests. 

    Currently, my XG125 with Firewall Policy + SSLx Rule (without IPS Rule) reaches my 26 mb/s on Downloads. 

    My WAN Connection is 250 mbit/s (cable, so may vary much). 


    Some "IPS" related information.

    If you enable IPS, it may get better performance, if you test multiple downloads at the same time. 

    With LAN to WAN, i get round about 21 mb/s across 4 Downloads. 

    Depending on the Downloader software. 

    Taking a look at browsers, i get round about 21mb/s of 4 downloads.

    Other Software (like Steam) i get 26mb/s on downloads with one single donwload. I am not aware of the download method of Steam, so i cannot comment on that. 


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