Slow Throughput after installing v18 EAP


I upgraded from v17.5.8 to v18 EAP about a week ago and noticed a drop in performance and an increased RAM usage.

I do have a XG115 rev2 Appliance installed with the Software  Image and a Home Use License.

My Internet connection is 100/40.

With version 17.5.8 I was able to reach about 80 to 90 Mbit download (I already expected more from the hardware)

After the Upgrade I only reach about 50 to 60 Mbit download. There is no DPI or webfiltering activated and it doesn't matter if i activate IPS or not.

SSL/TLS Inspection is turned on but there are not any rules.

Are there any tweaking options for the software version of Sophos XG running on a HW Appliance?

Thank you!

  • I have 300x30 service and was getting higher than that on 17.  Since going to 18, the max I get is also 50-60 down.

    I have SSL/TLS inspection disabled.  I'm in the same boat, no matter what I've tried disabling, there's no change in performance.  Hopefully the next release will be out sooner than later!


    On the positive note, the admin interface is MUCH faster than v17 was.

  • I have 300x30 service and was getting higher than that on 17.  Since going to 18, the max I get is also 50-60 down.

    I have SSL/TLS inspection disabled.  I'm in the same boat, no matter what I've tried disabling, there's no change in performance.  Hopefully the next release will be out sooner than later!


    On the positive note, the admin interface is MUCH faster than v17 was.

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