SIP phone won't connect

I have one SIP phone that connects to an external carrier.  It won't connect since updating to v18.  The only thing I've been able to find in the log was under SSL/TLS Inspection log.

2019-10-14 13:52:04SSL/TLS inspectionmessageid="19005" log_type="SSL" log_component="SSL" severity="Information" user="" src_ip="" bytes_sent="210" bytes_received="3875" dst_ip="" user_group="" src_country="R1" dst_country="USA" src_port="41668" dst_port="5083" app_name="FTP" app_id="0" category="IPAddress" category_id="83" con_id="0" rule_id="3" profile_id="4" rule_name="Mitel" profile_name="Disable" bitmask="Valid" key_type="KEY_TYPE__RSA" fingerprint="13:38:a8:c1:37:44:fe:68:80:f2:c" session="0" cert_chain_served="TRUE" cipher_suite="TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256" sni="" tls_version="TLS version - 1.2" reason="Blocked due to web policy" exception="Malware,Https decryption,Certificate validation,Policy check," message=""

I've disabled everything in every way I can figure out how to...  Firewall rule for this VLAN has everything disabled at this point (web policy, IPS, App Control, etc...)  There's an exception for that source IP for all scanning and checks. I created a policy to disable SSL/TLS inspection.  The phone connects SIP over TLS.

What could I be missing?


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