Improve UI - Thread to improve the UI objects and small things

I am trying to collect here all the cosmetics and things to improve on the current UI (apart the widescreen resolution of the UI)

For example, what I would like to see in UI:

  • Understand from firewall rule, the NAT used from the Firewall tab (NAT details column)
  • Understand from firewall rule, if the rule is using web proxy or DPI (Icon? or details?)
  • Live Connection tab (at least put the sum of all traffic consumed by all application)
  • Put Traffic shaping in one place instead of having them in different tab
  • WAF template not in Action drop-down menu
  • Firewall creation wizard menu as in the v17.x (Network, NAT rule or WAF rule)

Please add your comments here.

  • Hi Luk,


    I have a couple, V18 is now showing source access lists which is amazing, i have been asking for so long, i dont need to go into a rule to see if there is an access list, they didn't actually add this feature, it's just because they moved NAT out.

    the others I can think of now.


    • Screen resolution, why are we still only using 3/4 of the screen, why all the white empty space on the right and everything squished to the left? some sections even have hidden tabs behind ... button because they do not fit on the screen, really makes no sense.
    • would be great to be able to mouse over items\objects in the firewall and get a pop up of information, such as mousing over a source access list on a rule, if you mouse over you can see what's inside the object.




  • Hi Luk, Sean:
    Thank you for the feedback.
    We value your input. Your feature request will be added to our list for consideration in a future release
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