IPP / AirPrint broken

Hi Sophos Team,

I think I discovered a bug/issue:

I'm not able to print anymore after the update of the software appliance to v18 EAP1.

My devices in VLAN 1 cannot access my printer in VLAN 2 anymore over port 631tcp (IPP or Apple AirPrint).

I've already disabled the IPS in the FW rule, but the problem still persists. I cannot see any blocks or errors in the XG logs.

The Apple macOS / iOS devices throw the following message: "Unable to get printer status"

I removed the printer from macOS and now it even cannot be added anymore as it says, that the printer is not reachable.

(The printer is working fine when I access it through the same VLAN, so it must have something to do with the firewall.)


Thanks and Best Regards
