What feature is impacted?
Internet, thus RED, IPSEC, all connectivity!
What is the severity of the issue? (High, medium, low, minimal)
Low - But you need to know about it.
Summary of the issues:
Observed behavior (What it did or didn’t do):
When you go to Interfaces, to rename it, when you save, it triggers a DHCP release / renew, dropping all traffic for 5 secs.
Desired behavior (How is it expected to or should behave):
When you JUST rename an Interface, there is absolutely no need to do anything else, than rename it :-)
How do we reproduce it (Provide instructions to help us reproduce the behavior):
Try "ping -t", go and rename a Interface, ex. PortB for WAN, press Update, and watch the ping packets.
Other (Any other detail that we need to know about):
No, it would be great to fix this annoying thing.
Supporting logs, pcaps, etc.: