Device Information show me a red icon

Red Alarm for:

- Gateway status. Wron i am using it to write this comment. so i think this is up and running

- interface status. I have only two interfaces configured, and two down, Guest and PortC because i am on virtual. Why show me an alert when it is normal?

I think we need to configure how interface to track or by default, track only configured interfaces, not all interfaces possible.

Parents Reply Children
  • Hi Giordano,

    SFM team has try to reproduced the issue in our local setup but issue did not recreated. SFM need live session to check the issue.

    Can you email me ( your SF and SFM device admin login credential, GUI and SSH access to check issue further or provide us the live session?

    Can we know the you have configured single gateway or multiple gateway in SF Device?
