Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

Sophos Firewall: Using Azure MFA for SSL VPN and User portal

Inspiration for this post, was taken from:

Some of the things that I’ve seen at work, is that Sophos Firewall VPN users are using one token for Sophos SSLVPN and another for ex. Office 365 services. Both tokens can be in Microsoft Authenticator, but only the one that Office 365 is using, can do the “pop-up”, letting the user easy sign-in, like this:

Nonetheless it’s easier for the IT dept. (and the user!) to maintain only one token solution Slight smile

Here is the auth flow for Azure MFA with NPS Extension:

Nice isn’t it Wink

So how to fix?

We setup Sophos XG for RADIUS validation for SSLVPN and UserPortal access, and if you use the built-in OTP solution, disable that Slight smile

To get started:

  • If you do not have MFA enabled for your Office 365/Azure AD account’s you can enable it through following link:
  • And of course you need to have set Azure AD Connect to get your on-premise talking with Azure, I will not go into the details with this here, as I assume this is already setup and working Slight smile

Let’s go:

  1. Install the Network Policy Server (NPS) role on your member server or domain controller. Refering to the Network Policy Server Best Practices, then you will find this “To optimize NPS authentication and authorization response times and minimize network traffic, install NPS on a domain controller.” So we will go ahead and place this on the domain controller, but remember it’s also possible to do it on a domain joined member server!
  2. Press “Next” and the installation begins:

  3. After installation has ended, go and join the NPS to the Active Directory, right-click NPS (Local):

  4. Download and install the NPS Extension for Azure MFA here:
    Note: As i did try this on a server with already setup NPS, it failed with the other mechanisms, because of this:

    Control RADIUS clients that require MFA

    Once you enable MFA for a RADIUS client using the NPS extension, all authentications for this client are required to perform MFA. If you want to enable MFA for some RADIUS clients but not others, you can configure two NPS servers and install the extension on only one of them.

    Configure RADIUS clients that you want to require MFA to send requests to the NPS server configured with the extension, and other RADIUS clients to the NPS server not configured with the extension.”

    So the “workround” is to run the MFA for the Sophos on a seprate NPS instance Slight smile

  5. After it’s installed, go and follow the configure is like it’s stated here (Find TenantID and run Powershell script):
  6. Go and configure your radius Client, here it’s the XG:

    Remember the secret, we need it later on Slight smile

  7. Create a “Connection request policy”:

    Type here the IP of the XG

    Just set like above, and the rest of the settings, just leave them to their defaults Slight smile

  8. Now create a “Network Policy”

    Add a domain group, that shall have this access, to simplify, here I have choose domain\Domain Users
    Now the EAP types, XG does only support PAP, as far as I have tested:

    You will get a warning telling you that you have choosen unencrypted auth (locally – not on the Internet!), just press OK.
    Just left the rest to their default’s and save the policy.

  9. Now to create a firewall rule:

  10. Now to setup the XG for this:

    Press ADD:

    Remember to choose RADIUS:

    Fill in as your environment matches:

    Type in the secret you wrote down earlier and create a host object for your NPS, also remember to change the timeout from 3 to 15 secs!

    You can now test is the authentication through NPS and Azure MFA is working, change Group name attribute to “SF_AUTH”

    Press the TEST CONNECTION butoon:

    type in a users username (e.mail adress) and password, and your phone should pop-up with Microsoft Authenticator Slight smile

    You should see this soon after you accept the token:

  11. Now head over to the Authentication –> Services section:

    Add the new RADIUS server to:
    – User portal authentication methods
    – SSL VPN authentication methods

    Also make sure that the group your AD / RADIUS users are in, is added to the SSLVPN profile:

  12. Now login to the User Portal and download a VPN client (You cannot use the old ones, if you already had thoose installed)
  13. Now connect through VPN, type in your full email in username and your password, then wait for MS Authenticator to pop-up, accept the token and you are logged into VPN Slight smile

UPDATE: 20/11-2023

Due to recent changes in the module and Entra, you will need to add this in the registry of the NPS server:

  1. On the NPS Server, open the Registry Editor.
  2. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\AzureMfa.
  3. Create the following String/Value pair:
    • Value = FALSE
  4. Restart the NPS Service.

WHY: How number matching works in multifactor authentication push notifications for Microsoft Authenticator | Microsoft Learn




Edited TAGs
[edited by: Erick Jan at 8:59 AM (GMT -7) on 18 Sep 2024]
  • We managed to set it up and also used the Filter-Id. Thanks  and  ! :-)

    One issue we experience is that the first time a user logs into the user portal (either directly or through sophos connect with .pro-File) we receive an error "login failed", because the user didn't exist yet on the Firewall. After this first "failed" attempt the user is automatically created, added to the group and the user can work normally as expected. Did you guys experience the same?


  • Thanks   :-)

    Yes - this is normal behavior as it reconnects after downloading the VPN profile (and removing the .pro profile at the same time)

    It then needs to reauthenticate, but Sophos Connect, does not expect the MFA to reoccur.

    Br. Martin


    Best regards

    Sophos XGS 2100 @ Home | Sophos v20 Technician

  • Allright, good to know :-) So is there a way to create the user "on the fly" at their first login (or another way to make sure SOPHOS knows the user prior his first login)?

    Here's the current user-experience, after the .pro-File has been imported and the user logs in for the first time using the SOPHOS Connect VPN Client:

    • Manual login which authenticates against the user portal -> User enters username, password, captcha, MFA
    • User sees "login failed" message. User gets created on the firewall and added to the specified group
    • User manually logs in through SOPHOS-Connect again -> User enters Username, password, captcha, MFA again
    • Redirect for VPN -> again MFA

    The desired experience would be: Manual login through SOPHOS Connect (username, password, captcha, mfa) -> user gets created on the firewall in the same step without "login failed" message -> redirect to start the VPN tunnel (MFA again here is OK) -> finish

  • Has anyone successfully configured this with v19.5.1.  The user portal authenticates fine but sophos connect doesn’t seem to work I’m not seeing a pop up to approve a request 

  • Hi Martin,

    Has anyone successfully configured this with v19.5.1.  The user portal authenticates fine but sophos connect doesn’t seem to work I’m not seeing a pop up to approve a request? is there somthing im missing I have been through the whole article twice I can see from the SSL VPN logs that when I go to connect to the VPN its received challenge from RADIUS server via SSLVPN

  • Hi Martin,

    Has anyone successfully configured this with v19.5.1.  The user portal authenticates fine but sophos connect doesn’t seem to work I’m not seeing a pop up to approve a request? is there somthing im missing I have been through the whole article twice I can see from the SSL VPN logs that when I go to connect to the VPN its received challenge from RADIUS server via SSLVPN
