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Cant reserve IP Address in the DHCP Pool

small router able to reserve IP Address from DHCP Pool and SOPHOS FIREWALL fail to do. IP Address Range which are not include in DHCP POOL will be static,,,,, what is the use of that kind of reservation,,, if we cannot reserve it from pool..


Please find the attach screenshots



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  • Please go to Configure > Network > DHCP > click on the Pen to edit an existing DHCP Server

    Here you have a Static IP MAC Mapping section, where you can do your Reservation. In contrast to other products, these reservations need to be out of the DHCP Range, you configured under "Dynamic IP Lease". So you maybe have to make the pool Range smaller to get that to work?

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  • Please go to Configure > Network > DHCP > click on the Pen to edit an existing DHCP Server

    Here you have a Static IP MAC Mapping section, where you can do your Reservation. In contrast to other products, these reservations need to be out of the DHCP Range, you configured under "Dynamic IP Lease". So you maybe have to make the pool Range smaller to get that to work?

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  • i know that, how to configure DHCP and all... why i cannot reserve IP address within DHCP Range... in small common router we can do that, why it cannot be done in sophos firewall..


    i attach the screenshots, i think you didn't saw that.. anywayz thank you for your suggestion, but it doesn't solve my issue. 

  • I also would like to have the possibility to make a dynamic lease to static/reservied only by activating a checkbox near to the lease rather than copy mac, go to other menue, looking for free adress outside the space, paste the mac adress and reboot the client.

    Not only small routers have these capability, also big solutions like from bluecat networks.

  • I guess that this feature will be added soon. UTM 9 has it.

  • Hi

    I ask me, why something like that is a feature which is not by default set. It's a normal thing on nearly every DHCP Server. Even Microsoft have it! I hope you fix that asap. It's a big issue for us and our infrastructure:(


  • Hi,


    UTM doesn´t have this feature. Only allow to "miss configure" it on the GUI. 

    To be clear: 

    Online Help UTM:

    Note – To avoid an IP address clash between regularly assigned addresses from the DHCP pool and those statically mapped make sure that the latter are not in the scope of the DHCP pool. For example, a static mapping of could result in two systems receiving the same IP address if the DHCP pool is –




  • Because that's just how Sophos works: it complicates simple things and makes very easy thinks (like this one or edit hosts used in firewall rules) impossible!

    If I could go back, I would never ever ever buy a Sophos product again, luckily I've tested it before selling it to by customers!