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Webserver Protection: Ausnahmen für Umkehrauthentifizierung


ist es möglich folgendes Szenario umzusetzen?

Webserver hinter WAF veröffentlichen mit Anmeldung (formularbasiert) und gleichzeitig von bestimmten IP-Adressen den Zugriff ohne Anmeldung zulassen.

Vielen Dank.

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  • Hallo Denny,

    (Sorry, my German-speaking brain isn't creating thoughts at the moment. [:(])

    You can skip WAF altogether using a DNAT (see #2 in Rulz).

    I haven't tried the following, but I think it should do just what you ask for.  Please let us know your result.

    1. Make a duplicate Virtual Server without reverse-auth that listens on a separate Additional Address named "Webserver keine Auth" for example.
    2. Create a NAT rule like the following

    DNAT : {bestimmte IP-Addresses} -> Web Surfing -> External [Webserver] (Address) : to External [Webserver keine Auth] (Address)

    MfG - Bob (Bitte auf Deutsch weiterhin.)

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hallo Denny,

    (Sorry, my German-speaking brain isn't creating thoughts at the moment. [:(])

    You can skip WAF altogether using a DNAT (see #2 in Rulz).

    I haven't tried the following, but I think it should do just what you ask for.  Please let us know your result.

    1. Make a duplicate Virtual Server without reverse-auth that listens on a separate Additional Address named "Webserver keine Auth" for example.
    2. Create a NAT rule like the following

    DNAT : {bestimmte IP-Addresses} -> Web Surfing -> External [Webserver] (Address) : to External [Webserver keine Auth] (Address)

    MfG - Bob (Bitte auf Deutsch weiterhin.)

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA