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MS Azure - IPSec Tunnel (S2S) with BGP Routing




I am trying do configure the following scenario. 



- Virtual LAN ( with Virtual Network Gateway ( with the LAN

- VPN S2S connection with PSK

- BGP ASN 65515



- LAN (

- WAN (PPPoE with dynamic IP)

- BGP ASN 65530


I've setup the IPSec IKEv2 connection between on premise XG und Azure GW successfully. BGP is configured on both sides. Within the Azure documentation, I found out, that EBGP with multihop must be configured on the XG device.


How can I turn that feature on to get BGP going?



Kind regards,



P.S.: Link to MS documentation

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  • I see this is an old thread, not sure if anybody has since found the answer?

  • I have been able to get this working in SFOS 18.0.1 with ebgp-multihop. The setting is not exposed in the UI, but can be set from a terminal session.


    From main menu: 3, 1, 3

    bgp> enable

    bgp# configure terminal

    bgp(config)# router bgp <local AS>

    bgp(config-router)# neighbor <peer ID> ebgp-multihop <hops>

    bgp(config-router)# end

    bgp# copy running-config startup-config


    To verify the change:

    bgp# show ip bgp neighbors

    BGP neighbor is bar, remote AS ###, local AS ###, external link
    BGP version 4, remote router ID bar
    BGP state = Established, up for 00:11:29
    Last read 00:00:38, hold time is 180, keepalive interval is 60 seconds
    Neighbor capabilities:
    4 Byte AS: advertised and received
    Route refresh: advertised and received(new)
    Address family IPv4 Unicast: advertised and received
    Graceful Restart Capabilty: received
    Remote Restart timer is 120 seconds
    Address families by peer:
    IPv4 Unicast(not preserved)
    Graceful restart informations:
    End-of-RIB send: IPv4 Unicast
    End-of-RIB received:
    Message statistics:
    Inq depth is 0
    Outq depth is 0
    Sent Rcvd
    Opens: 5 0
    Notifications: 4 0
    Updates: 219 153
    Keepalives: 1026 1139
    Route Refresh: 0 0
    Capability: 0 0
    Total: 1254 1292
    Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds

    For address family: IPv4 Unicast
    Community attribute sent to this neighbor(both)
    100 accepted prefixes

    Connections established 4; dropped 3
    Last reset 00:13:15, due to BGP Notification send
    External BGP neighbor may be up to 2 hops away.
    Local host: foo, Local port: 179
    Foreign host: bar, Foreign port: 51651
    Nexthop: foo

    Read thread: on Write thread: off