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Sophos Manager adding devices over IPSEC VPN

Hey Guys,

Wonder if anyone can help here.

I have a Sophos Manager XG Appliance and some other branch Sophos XG UTMS, They are setup with IPSEC VPN's from branch to HO.

Ive taken then internal IP of the branch UTMs and added the devices on the Sophos manager it connects for a few minutes and then disconnects, Even test connection gives a green light.

But when looking at the log viewer on the branchs it says failing to send heart beat info or sync info.

Will this not work over IPSEC vpn ?

Obviously I do have firewall rules to allow this ect.


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  • Hi Ryan,

    Sorry for late response.

    Yes, This will work over IPSEC vpn.

    Heartbeat : SF devices send periodic heartbeat at every 1 min with appliance key and set Sync Flag in SFM/CFM and SF for sync state. 

    Accordingly to you, In XG you are getting "failing to send heart beat "message. So XG device is not able to send keepalive HB packets to SFM.

    Are you able to ping SFM local interface ip from XG device local interface through vpn tunnel?

    Change syslog port to HTTPS, if 6514 is configured and if HTTPS is configured then please change to 6514 and check the connectivity issue.
