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Adding IView breaks SCFM

Anyone else find that adding IView to devices that are connected to SCFM breaks the connection? I had a bunch of XG85W that were talking to SCFM just fine but because that model lacks on-box reporting we decided to fire up an IView server and point them to it in logging. I did the configuration change through SCFM and noticed that devices that received the IView config started dropping connection to SCFM. It seems that you can have IView or CFM on syslog but not both. My workaround for now is to set Central Management to use HTTPS rather than the 'recommended' syslog. This is a bit annoying because I no longer have central management and have to remote into each location to make the change. Hopefully with the release of CFM v16 this will be resolved although I'm not holding my breath.

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  • Jeff,

    what about configuring iView to collect logs from SFM directly? Page 56 of SFM guide will instruct you on how to connect SFM and iView.

    Thanks for sharing your issue.

  • Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately that document only applies to SFM, not Central Firewall Manager, there is no option to configure iView in CFM. I had found another document that details setting up iView and SFM, however, it directs you to do exactly what I did, configure all XG firewalls to use the iView server as a syslog server from SFM which is exactly what broke all of my connections. Interestingly when I remoted into the devices to configure central management for HTTPS I found many of them did NOT have my iView entry in Logging. I will try rebooting a device that lost contact with CFM and see if it connects again without configuring for HTTPS.

  • Maybe it is a bug. can investigate and give you more details on SFM/SCFM.


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  • It very well may be a bug, here is what I found with the last one I worked on. This one had received the settings from CFM for the iView server. I went into the Central Management page and changed from Syslog (recommended) to HTTPS. Almost immediately it began communicating with both the CFM AND iView. Here is the real kicker, I'm using port 514 for iView and 6514 for CFM. I could sort of understand if they were sharing ports but they are not. It appears that the latest firmware for the XG (at least on the 85 series) cannot handle two logging servers at once.