Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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BUG: (v16.05.01 MR 1) The otpauth:// URI encoded in the QR code (image) is incorrectly undergoing URI encoding

When configuring TOTP logins for users, the otpauth:// URI encoded in the displayed QR code is incorrectly URI encoding the payload data causing software TOTP token applications to generate the wrong tokens.

  • QR code image
  • Account: someuser%40C020053HBCDGM1A
  • Secret (HEX): [...]
  • Secret (BASE32): PQYV3KY5D374GGKAKC3CSHBXHZ======

The ====== in this example is incorrectly being URI encoded and presented as %3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D.

Here is an example of the output read from the QR code image:

  • otpauth://totp/someuser%40C020053HBCDGM1A?secret=PQYV3KY5D374GGKAKC3CSHBXHZ%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D%3D&issuer=Sophos%20SFOS&period=30

which should actually be:

  • otpauth://totp/someuser%40C020053HBCDGM1A?secret=PQYV3KY5D374GGKAKC3CSHBXHZ======&issuer=Sophos%20SFOS&period=30

Either manually entering the (BASE32) secret into the token generator or editing the otpauth:// URI after scanning resolves this issue.

The behaviour above affected both Authy and 1Password, but will likely affect all QR code reading authenticator applications.

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  • Thanks for the hint. I will try to reproduce this and will open a ticket if required.

    Have you tried to use Sophos Authenticator app?

    At a first glance it looks reasonable to do URI encoding on the padding characters =, otherwise the padded = chars cannot be distinguished from the =

    as assignment operator.