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How do you create a loopback/hairpin NAT to an Interface IP?

I am trying to publish multiple services to the Internet.  It is working fine using business rules.  But, I want to be able to add a loopback/hairpin NAT so that if someone inside the network uses the public IP to access the service they are redirected to the internal network.  I would also like this bound to an interface IP and not an IP object because it will not always be a static IP.

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  • It is technially possible using Linux Kernel but it may be restricted by Sophos engineers for security reasons. I was unable to use NAT this way but it is possible to make a loop connection to a Web server published by XG. However it is not a NAT of course, but Reverse Web Proxy.

    For other services I have created internal DNS records pointing to the right servers inside LAN. I used built-in DNS service but you can also use another DNS service running on one of those servers and create a fake zone.

    This is not a solution but a workaround.


  • It is technially possible using Linux Kernel but it may be restricted by Sophos engineers for security reasons. I was unable to use NAT this way but it is possible to make a loop connection to a Web server published by XG. However it is not a NAT of course, but Reverse Web Proxy.

    For other services I have created internal DNS records pointing to the right servers inside LAN. I used built-in DNS service but you can also use another DNS service running on one of those servers and create a fake zone.

    This is not a solution but a workaround.


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