Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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'Real' Shell Access to modify config-Files (edit Dyndns-Settings)

I must quickly migrate from UTM 9 to XG because my private network (3 families) exceeds the limit of 50 devices (handys for the Kids ... :-)
To reach my homenet from the outside is (unfortunately ;-) a core-requirement of my family and we can't get a static IP from my provider.

The new firewall has no DynDNS-Support for my (free) DynDNS provider, but the Protocoll is, which is directly supported in the dropdownbox.

I thought it must be possible to change the service-url for the ip-update in a config-file. So I found an old post, which adresses this problem and someone wrote (for UTM9): "Modify /var/confd/res/dyndns/ to change URI from DynDNS directly"

But in the console of the new XG I can only choose predefined commands and can't edit and navigate the underlying filesystem (except using a hard-disk editor and change the bits directly).

Can somebody give me a tip, how I can solve this problem? (e.g. free console-acess or another workaround to modify the right config file in the new UTM version)

(Loosing support / warranty for the whole system after file-modification is no big problem for me, because it's a private license at home and nobody dies when something goes wrong ... :-)

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  • Luk,
    thank a lot for your reply. To start the shell seem to be the easy part ... when you know how to do ... ;-)

    But I don't find the file for the Dyndns-Definitions in the filesystem. The only File containing the dyndns-URL contains DB-Insert commands like this:

    INSERT INTO tblddnsserviceprovider (serviceproviderid, displayname, protocol,serverstring) VALUES (1, 'DynDns', 'dyndns2', '');

    Now I want to change the URL from the insert statement above in the local postgres database like this (hoping this helps to update the IP at the other provider):

    UPDATE tblddnsserviceprovider set serverstring = 'url from my provider' where serviceproviderid=1;

    Next Problem: how can I connect to this database to submit my update-statement?
    (psql is installed, but I have no Database-Name and no User/Password. root/admin etc. doesn't work)

    Can you give me another hint? ;-)
  • Hi Markus,
    I do not know how can you achieve your goal. Sorry about that.
