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Cellular WAN constantly showing up and down, but never *actually* going down

Brief description of my setup:

WAN1 is a hardline connection.

WAN2 is a cellular 5G connection, using a standalone antenna and modem.

SD-WAN 1 is configured for general internet traffic, where WAN1 is the default and WAN2 is failover, using TCP connection to and on port 53 for connection health checks.

SD-WAN 2 is configured for VoIP traffic, and configured as load balancing, selecting the best connection at any given time, using TCP packets to on port 53, and (twilio server) on port 5060 (SIP) for health checks eligibility.

The problem I'm having is that I am very frequently, 10-20 times a day, getting notifications that my Cellular WAN is down, then moments later, back up. However, the cellular WAN never actually goes *down.*

The alert email looks like "*ALERT* Sophos Firewall "X111039#######" - Gateway 'T-mobile WAN' is Down." I have worked with the antenna maker (cradlepoint) to try to diagnose any issues there, but we were unable to find any issues. There is no noted downtime on any of the antenna's hardware logs. He did note that sometimes cell providers will block ICMP traffic, which is why i switched my SD-WAN health checks to TCP, but the issue still persists.

Lastly, I am wondering if it is possible to change the Gateway's health check protocol (i believe the default is an ICMP ping)? If the gateway is part of a SD-WAN profile, are there still Gateway health checks being performed?

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[edited by: emmosophos at 3:13 AM (GMT -7) on 31 Jul 2024]
  • Hi,

    the issue will more than likely be the device you are using as your network test in WAN manager is being overloaded and fails to respond to  pings. Please try using a different IP address as your test.


    XG115W - v20.0.2 MR-2 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20.0.2 MR-2

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  • It only fails on the one gateway. If the problem were with the test endpoint, I would more than likely see intermittent failures on on both WAN links, moreover, i have switched up my health checks - from basic ICMP pinging, to TCP DNS requests, to hitting my VoIP provider at the SIP port. All of these health checks work fine from the device console, some are just more reliable than others.

    XGS116 20MR2

  • "*ALERT* Sophos Firewall "X111039#######" - Gateway 'T-mobile WAN' is Down."

    This alert is given by default when the "WAN Link Manager" fails to ping the upstream gateway. (Not related to SD-WAN.)

    Can you please go to "Network" then open the "WAN Link Manager" tab and edit the WAN2 gateway to another host.

    To add more information, I've encountered this same issue a while ago - mainly on peak load times of the ISP.


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    Ryzen 5600U + I226-V (KVM) v21 EAP @ Home

    Sophos ZTNA (KVM) @ Home

  • "*ALERT* Sophos Firewall "X111039#######" - Gateway 'T-mobile WAN' is Down."

    This alert is given by default when the "WAN Link Manager" fails to ping the upstream gateway. (Not related to SD-WAN.)

    Can you please go to "Network" then open the "WAN Link Manager" tab and edit the WAN2 gateway to another host.

    To add more information, I've encountered this same issue a while ago - mainly on peak load times of the ISP.


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    Ryzen 5600U + I226-V (KVM) v21 EAP @ Home

    Sophos ZTNA (KVM) @ Home
