Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

TCP Disconnect with IPS-Pattern updates ??

We have some customers who use quite sensitive software.
We have had repeated session drops with one customer (always at noon on Tuesdays -GMT-)
The IPS patterns are said to have been updated at this time today.
IPS is only active for some external connections. Not for the "sensitive" internal ones.
They are running version 20.0.1 MR1
Could there be a connection?

Thanks Dirk

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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 1:14 PM (GMT -7) on 25 Jun 2024]
  • When this happen, do you know, how much Memory is available for the appliance? 

    Additionally, is the connection a long run connection? 

    Any hint this changed in the latest version? Because there were not changes in the IPS.

    BTW: The "UTM" approach is currently not possible, as IPS / Snort is much more included within the engine compared to UTM, which simply could bypass it. 

    You could, for this customer, workaround this by changing the time, when IPS doing a pattern update. 


  • Hi,

    I can't say anything about the memory without checking it more closely, but an XGS2100 with just network protection+IPS+webfilter shouldn't reach its limits

    all these connections are active some days

    We have SFOS 20.0.1 MR1 here. Other customers with a similar environment and 20.0.0 don't have the problem

    We have just migrated from SG to XGS. Therefore, there is no "before"

    How can I adjust the IPS pattern update time?


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
    If a post solves your question, click the 'Verify Answer' link at this post.

  • Hi,

    I can't say anything about the memory without checking it more closely, but an XGS2100 with just network protection+IPS+webfilter shouldn't reach its limits

    all these connections are active some days

    We have SFOS 20.0.1 MR1 here. Other customers with a similar environment and 20.0.0 don't have the problem

    We have just migrated from SG to XGS. Therefore, there is no "before"

    How can I adjust the IPS pattern update time?


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
    If a post solves your question, click the 'Verify Answer' link at this post.
