Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

no internet access with auxiliary device

Hi all,

i have 2 xgs2300 (SFOS GA-Build222) configured in active-passive high availability

When i restart primary device and the auxiliary device became standalone it block outgoing traffic for hearthbeat (seen in the log)

If i disable the heartbeat check on the outgoing rule also the auxiliary device permit outgoing traffic

no problem with heartbeat when the primary firewall come back online

How can i resolve this trouble?

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[edited by: Erick Jan at 2:01 AM (GMT -7) on 20 May 2024]
  • is it possible, that it looks like this in Sophos Central menu?

    but  normally heartbeat is synced cluster-wide (except missing heartbeat clients that are on the current primary node only).

    what does the heartbeat log on the Aux node say? also, is there any device listed?

    I'd start re-registering it to Central after hours, if all looks fine.