Possible? Webfilter exception for specific filetype on certain website

Hi there,

is it possible to create an exception for a filetype that should be allowed on a specific website only? We have a webpolicy, that restricts filetypes based on file type category. We want to allow one of that types for a certain website.


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[edited by: Raphael Alganes at 1:03 AM (GMT -7) on 12 Mar 2024]
  • Best bet might be to create an exception.

    Web > Exceptions

    Specify by regex.  One option would be to apply to the entire domain


    Then skip Policy Checks.

    Another option if you are trying to tighten it future would be like


    That would apply to any path that has an .exe in it on the example.com domain.

  • This is the correct answer, this works. But it would be also very nice if we could decide in the Web Policy, if the Logical Operation is OR or AND. So we could say, this or these domains and this or these filetypes are to be blocked or allowed.

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  • This is the correct answer, this works. But it would be also very nice if we could decide in the Web Policy, if the Logical Operation is OR or AND. So we could say, this or these domains and this or these filetypes are to be blocked or allowed.

    Another question: Is Sophos using AI Bots in this forum to interact in the community? Just asking for a friend...
