Important note about SSL VPN compatibility for 20.0 MR1 with EoL SFOS versions and UTM9 OS. Learn more in the release notes.

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Sophos Firewall: v20.0 GA: Feedback and experiences

Release Post:  Sophos Firewall v20 is Now Available  

The EAP Post:  Sophos Firewall: v20.0 EAP1: Feedback and experiences  

The old V19.5 MR3 Post:  Sophos Firewall: v19.5 MR3: Feedback and experiences  

To make the tracking of issues / feedback easier: Please post a potential Sophos Support Case ID within your initial post, so we can track your feedback/issue. 

Release Notes: 

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  • Hello

    Upgraded yesterday v19.5 MR3 – Home to v20.0 GA – Home

    Backup emails have stopped working no changes made.

    Notification settings – External email server

    • Test emails work

    Backup & restore – Email

    • Backup now – I get the green banner “Backup has been taken successfully”
    • When I check Win Server 2019 SMTP Logs
      • 2023-11-07 12:03:08 Sophos SMTPSVC1 S19APP02 0 EHLO - +Sophos 250 0 198 11 0 SMTP - - - -
      • 2023-11-07 12:03:08 Sophos SMTPSVC1 S19APP02 0 MAIL - +FROM:<x@x.x.x> 552 0 59 45 0 SMTP - - - -
      • 2023-11-07 12:03:08 Sophos SMTPSVC1 S19APP02 0 RCPT - +TO:<x@x.x.x> 503 0 33 27 0 SMTP - - - -
      • 2023-11-07 12:03:08 Sophos SMTPSVC1 S19APP02 0 DATA - - 503 0 0 4 0 SMTP - - - -
      • 2023-11-07 12:03:08 Sophos SMTPSVC1 S19APP02 0 QUIT - Sophos 240 16 70 4 0 SMTP - - - -
    • It looks like no DATA is being passed to the SMTP server



  • Hi Paul

    I've checked the SMTP logs on your firewall.

    Apparently, the external SMTP server that is configured to handle notifications under "Administration > Notification settins" rejects emails larger than 2MB.

    The size of the backup emails exceeded 2MB after the upgrade, hence they get rejected.

    Please check the configuration of your external SMTP server and increase the size limit.

    Thank you,


  • Hi Paul

    I've checked the SMTP logs on your firewall.

    Apparently, the external SMTP server that is configured to handle notifications under "Administration > Notification settins" rejects emails larger than 2MB.

    The size of the backup emails exceeded 2MB after the upgrade, hence they get rejected.

    Please check the configuration of your external SMTP server and increase the size limit.

    Thank you,


  • Hello Janos

    Thank you, everything working again!

    I have increased the size limit for emails on my external SMTP server.

    Thank you for your help!  Very happy home user!  Very happy with support response!  Just sorry it was all meBlush

