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HA could not be disabled

Want to disable HA on a 19.0.1 A/P Cluster and rebuild it. Not even the very first sep to disable HA is working smoothly.

Can't believe this has never been asked - 0 search hits here and on google..

Where can I find helpful logs?

live log says: all fine.I even had a short network interruption*.

HA was disabled by 'admin' from '172.xxxxxxxxx' using 'GUI'

Still HA was shown as configured as can be seen above.

Then after minutes, I reload the HA page and it is no longer HA.

but 'I cannot login HA peer anymore via SSH

XG430_WP02_SFOS 19.0.1 MR-1-Build365# ssh -F /static/ha/hauser.conf hauser@
2023-04-01 06:29:35Z Warning: Permanently added '' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
2023-04-01 06:29:35Z no such identity: /conf/hauser: No such file or directory
hauser@'s password:


I had the opposite issue once...

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