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SFOS disk structure arrangements

Testing sfos in vm I see it gives option to rollback to an older firmware after update.

How is this practically implemented?

Is the firmware OS partition separate from the user settings/config?

I tried searching but couldn't info on how the disk/partition layout is arranged.

Thank you

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  • Essentially you have a config partition and the alternative config partition. Config is only the layout of the structure - Means like UTM the backup file (it is not the core system structure duplicated on disk). 

    So if you update to a new version, the files will get updated, the configuration will be migrated to the new configuration and your current/then old config will be freezed in the alternative slot. 

    If you roll back to the old slot, your config will come up exactly how you left it prior upgrade. 


  • Thanks.

    What about the core OS?

    When updating, it copies unchanged parts of the old OS combining the patches of the update file to generate the new "firmware"?

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  • Essentially it will also stores binaries from the old part of the OS in the old state, as needed. There is a logic behind it, to not break the downgrade to the old version as well. 

    So to speak, if you update to a version, which fixes a bug or a vulnerability and you downgrade, you will once again experience the bug / be vulnerable in that system. 

    The use case / point of this feature is to have always a smooth downgrade possibility, if you do an upgrade to a new version and something does not work. So people have a chance to go back to the old state and continue to work. Plenty of users utilize this option to have a fallback without the need to reinstall everything etc. 
