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How choose IP Alias as a Gateway to traffic on the Internet?

Hi folks, what's up?

I need some help :/ 

I have an IP/27 on the Port2 WAN with some IP Aliases attached to the physical interface.
And right now we are needing one of the VLANs to traffic the Internet with one of the IP Aliases. Has anyone done this before? Is this possible?

Initially I created a Gateway in Routing > Gateway, followed some common MASQ parameters, but when binding for outgoing traffic, there was no satisfactory result.

We could not ping the Google DNS ip, for example.

The SFOS is at 17.5, where there is no SD-WAN implemented yet, so the traffic has been done still in the LAN to WAN firewall rule with source MASQ.
We are doing the firmware update on the box right now to evaluate more details.

So far I have not found any KB with good practices on the subject.

Thanks for helping us :) 

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