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Limitations of home edition

I'm sure this question gets beat into the ground often. I know the XG home edition has hardware limitations but when I tried using v18 last year I ran into an oddity with devices not getting online.  As soon as I swapped back to my other firewall they had no trouble. What I noticed was about 6-8 devices dropped all together. We have around 60+ devices in the home now and when I tried it was almost pushing 60.  I know at one point there was a 50 device limit but I read that was removed and the hardware limit 4cpu/6gb ram was the only thing left. Was there still a device limit still hidden in there somewhere?  I really like the software and wanted to give it a go at home. 

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    If I recall, the devices were mostly wireless but there were a few physical (VMs on ESXi) that lost connection.  They had an IP but would not respond. 


    Hardware limits were completely fine.  Since it was a brand new setup there were no firewall rules outside of what was necessary to get out to the internet. 

    My concern was it was pretty exact to 50 devices on v18 and wanted to make sure it wasn't a hidden limit anywhere.  I will be setting it up again and trying it out once more. 

  • I think you are confusing the XG with the UTM. The UTM had a 50 connected device limit, the XG has never has a connected device limit. Sounds like some of your rules needed fine tuning?


    XG115W - v20 GA - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • This was a year ago when I did set it up. So the rules were basic and most likely just defaults. Not sure what rule within the firewall would have limited connections out the box?  Also, no I'm not confusing UTM and XG. I ran UTM years back before moving it to Untangle because of that device limit.  I wanted to do XG because I knew it wasn't supposed to have any limit like that and just a hardware limit.

  • This was a year ago when I did set it up. So the rules were basic and most likely just defaults. Not sure what rule within the firewall would have limited connections out the box?  Also, no I'm not confusing UTM and XG. I ran UTM years back before moving it to Untangle because of that device limit.  I wanted to do XG because I knew it wasn't supposed to have any limit like that and just a hardware limit.

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