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Sophos Firewall Home for SG Appliance

Hello, I have a Sophos SG 115w and want to use it as a Firewall for my home.  I need the ISO: XG Firewall Home HW. Is it still available and where can I find it? The open hardware one doesnt work on the appliance.

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  • Hi,

    The XG iso you are after is the same one that is used by business to build on the own hardware. What you are after is a home licence. The quickest method is for you to change the disk and try the ISO you already have. Next do you have a home licence?


    Thomas beat  me to it.

    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • Hi,

    The XG iso you are after is the same one that is used by business to build on the own hardware. What you are after is a home licence. The quickest method is for you to change the disk and try the ISO you already have. Next do you have a home licence?


    Thomas beat  me to it.

    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • Can he just boot with an Ubuntu or similar Linux USB flash drive and use gParted to erase the partitions?

  • I recommend the disk replacement as the easiest path going on the experience of previous posters that haven't been able to erase the existing disk.


    XG115W - v20.0.1 MR-1 - Home

    XG on VM 8 - v20 GA

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  • Yes he can - the pre-installed disk from Sophos _must_ be wiped before you can use it with Sophos Home.


    Sophos SG 210 with Sophos XG Home - 20.0 MR 1

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  • Yes, I see the requirement that the disk "must be wiped" but what would cause the disk to not be able to be erased? Any partition software should be able to delete any and all partitions so, is this an issue with users not knowing how to do it, an issue with the appliances booting from USB drives, or some sort of lock by the BIOS of the appliance? Do these appliances use SSDs, or platter type drives?

    And to clear things up, doesn't the home license require the software ISO installer? I was under the assumption that the hardware ISO is not compatible with a home license, even on the appliances. Can anyone confirm if this is true or not?

  • I use the hardware installer on my SG230's.  I just went through this last weekend. Forgot the disk needs to be wiped to install if the sophos hardware still has the factory image.  Sounds like you have a unit which has install from factory.  Use something like ubuntu to wipe the disk. Easiest way is just to install Ubuntu on the hardware.  Then come back with the hardware .iso

  • Thats correct, you need the SW-ISO, not the HW-ISO. The SW-ISO can't override the built-in disk from the Sophos Appliance (which comes from factory with HW-ISO installed). So you need ANY kind of software / way to erease the disk at first and then install the SW-ISO.

    Ether you take out the factory disk and connect it to a PC/notebook and erase it with the OS on the client or you boot up the SG appliance with a live linux and erase it there.


    Sophos SG 210 with Sophos XG Home - 20.0 MR 1

    If a post solves your question please use the 'Verify Answer' button.

  • Some Linux distros let you create a custom partition and format it before the OS installs. Just erase/format the drive at the  beginning of the installation then reboot without installing.

    Other free tools like gParted Live and Clonezilla will allow you to create a bootable USB which will make installing Linux not even nessesary.

    There should be no need to remove the drive from the appliance at all.